【Relief activity for disaster area in Tonga】
We have launched a Disaster Relief Projects for the latest Tonga Volcanic Eruption and Tsunami (January 2022), in cooperation with Japan Rugby Football Union (JRFU) and with Japan and Tonga Friendship Association. In February 2022, Shigeru Ban held meetings with the NPO Japan-Tonga Friendship Association (Chairman: Mr. William Sinali Latu) and the Japan Rugby Football Union (Mr.Hiroki Ogikubo) to discuss the future development of support.
As the first phase, we have provided tents for people to stay near their houses until they are repaired or rebuilt. These tents are tall enough to facilitate everyday activities. Since the tents can be assembled by anyone, we sent only the materials to Tonga, while the lockdown was taking place, so that tents could be installed in cooperation with local cooperating architects. The tents were developed in collaboration with TAIYO KOGYO CORPORATION, the world’s largest tent company.
Trial assembly with Kyoto University of the Arts

Tents shipped to Tonga