This is a plan of an accommodation facility where guests can experience“zazen” on a small, lush site on Awaji Island....
Second project for “Shishi-iwa House” in Karuizawa. The simple two-story rectangular plan evolved from the very tight rectangular site. The...
On February 2, 2021, Voluntary Architects’ Network (VAN) demonstrated Paper Partition System at mock vaccination center in Komatsu, Ishikawa.Cooperated with:...
The restaurant is built in the midst of a large natural field and serves fresh vegetables from there. The thatched...
In order to form an east-west and north-south axis in front of Higashi-Shizuoka Station, a high-rise library was planned in...
The name “JUURET”, meaning ROOTS in Finnish language suggests the concept of this building in many ways. The building inherits...
The project consists of a gut renovation of an existing landmarked commercial building, renowned for its ornate cast iron façade,...
Due to Japan’s excessive regulations against timber structures, it is impossible to build a “pure” mid-rise timber structure, so a...
Hamlet is a four-building complex that serves as an executive training center and accommodation built next to the Haesley Nine...
Situated on a prominent urban site, the Center’s simple, classic building forms serve to reflect the programmatic use of the...